The datasheet mentions it has 3% humidity accuracy and 0. While some temperature sensors use an analog voltage to represent the temperature, the tmp102. For the lastest information on how covid19 is impacting our business, please see our updates page. Tmp102 sbos397f august 2007revised december 2015 tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563 1 features 3 description the tmp102 device is a digital temperature sensor. Tmp102 sbos397f august 2007revised december 2015 tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563 1 features 3 description the tmp102 device is a digital temperature sensor 1 sot563 package 1. Tmp102 old version datasheet lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563. Tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire. Ept200tmptsu2 tmp102 temperature sensor docking board. Its a perfect sensor for raspberry pi as it lacks any onboard adc and tmp102 eliminates the requirement for analyzing the analog signals. Communication with the tmp102 is achieved through a twowire serial interface. Tmp102 data sheet, product information and support. Old version datasheet lowpower digital temperature sensor.
On powerup reading data from the device returns the value stored in register 0 temperature. Low power digital temperature sensor with smbustwowire serial interface in sot563 23 tiny sot563 package the tmp102 is a twowire, serial output temperature accuracy. Low voltage temperature sensors data sheet tmp35tmp36tmp37 features low voltage operation 2. The tmp102 is an i2c digital temperature sensor in a small sot563 package, with a. The tmp102 device is a digital temperature sensor ideal for ntcptc thermistor replacement where high accuracy is required. Relative humidity strongly depend on temperature, that is why we use temperature compensation technology to ensure accurate measurement of rh. The temperature sensor in the tmp102 device is the chip itself. Ti low power digital temperature sensor with smbustm,twowire serial interface in sot563,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet.
Ti, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Thermal paths run through the package leads, as well as the plastic package. This docking board is based on the tmp102 temperature sensor chip from texas instruments. Tmp102 sbos397haugust 2007revised december 2018 tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563 1 1 features 1 sot563 package 1. Testing a temp sensor testing these sensors is pretty easy but youll need a battery pack or power supply. Typical connections the temperature sensor in the tmp102 is the chip itself. Low power digital temp sensor with smbustwowire serial. Well, with the sparkfun digital temperature sensor tmp102 qwiic weve made this just about as easy as it gets. Sparkfun digital temperature sensor breakout tmp102. This article will demonstrate how to interface a netburner device to the sparkfun tmp102 temperature sensor using the i2c communication bus. The tmp102 is a digital temperature sensor that is optimal for. Tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus. Tmp102 digital temperature sensor hookup guide learn.
Lowpower digital temp sensor w smbus and twowire serial. The tmp102 is twowire and smbus interfacecompatible, and is specified over a temperature. The tmp102 is an easytouse digital temperature sensor from texas instruments. Tmp102evm old version datasheet tmp102evm evaluation board and software tutorial. To read data from it, i have written a userspace application using i2c as follows. While some temperature sensors use an analog voltage to represent the temperature, the tmp102 uses the i c bus of the arduino to communicate the temperature. Digital temperature sensor and thermal watchdog with 2wire. The tmp102 is an i2c temperature sensor from texas instruments. Ti1, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and. Jun 05, 2010 tmp102 temperature sensor from texas instruments hooked up to an arduino duemilanove board and showing the temperature on lcd display and host computer via usb port. Sbos397 august 2007 application information the tmp102 is a digital temperature sensor that is optimal for thermalmanagement and thermalprotection applications. Description lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563. Mar 26, 2020 sparkfun digital temperature sensor tmp102 qwiic sparkfun digital temperature sensor tmp102 qwiic sen16304 qwiic enabled breakout board for tmp102 digital temperature sensor the datasheet can be found here. While some temperature sensors use an analog voltage to represent the temperature, the tmp102 uses the i 2 c bus of the arduino to communicate the temperature.
Tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563 datasheet rev. Products conform to specifications per the terms of the texas. Well, with the sparkfun tmp102 digital temperature sensor, weve made it just about. An important notice at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safetycritical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. The integrated temperature sensor has been optimized for lowest noise and highest resolution. By default, the tmp102 reads the temperature on powerup.
But its still be much better to keep the sensor at same temperature when sensing. Texas instruments tmp102 lowpower, twowire, serial output temperature sensor with an i2csmbus digital interface is ideal for ntcptc thermistor replacement where high accuracy is required. Aug 19, 2014 this article will demonstrate how to interface a netburner device to the sparkfun tmp102 temperature sensor using the i2c communication bus. Ti1 lowpower digital temperature sensor,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Requiring no external components, the tmp102 is capable of reading temperatures to a resolution of 0. Tmp102 digital temperature sensor hookup guide tmp102 hookuo guidesparkfun wish list introduction the tmp102 is an easytouse digital temperature sensor from texas instruments. This is a breakout board for the incredibly small tmp102 digital temperature sensor. When compared with the analog sensors tmp102 is very accurate and capable of measuring 0. The tmp102 is a twowire, serial output temperature sensor available in a. Lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563, tmp102 pdf download texas instruments, tmp102 datasheet pdf. Ti low power digital temperature sensor with smbustm,twowire serial interface in sot563,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. An important notice at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in.
The sensor requires very lowcurrent, and is loaded with features. Rtd specifications will list the sensor s time constant, which is the time it takes for an rtd to respond to a step change in temperature and come to 63% of its final equilibrium value. Ti1, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Low power digital temperature sensor with smbustm,twowire serial interface in sot563, tmp102 datasheet, tmp102 circuit, tmp102 data sheet. Tmp102 sbos397haugust 2007revised december 2018 tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor. Tmp102 datasheet, tmp102 pdf, tmp102 data sheet, tmp102 manual, tmp102 pdf, tmp102, datenblatt, electronics tmp102, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet, datas sheets, databook, free datasheet.
Sparkfun qwiic digital temperature sensor tmp102 hookup. The tmp102 is an easytouse digital temperature sensor from texas. Based off of the original digital temperature sensor breakout tmp102, weve added qwiic connectors to bring this bad boy into our plugandplay qwiic ecosystem, made the board just a bit bigger at 1 x1, and added an. Infrared thermopile sensor with integrated math engine. The resolution of the temperature sensor is userconfigurable to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits.
Tmp102 temperature sensor docking board data sheet this docking board is based on the tmp102 temperature sensor chip from texas instruments. Sparkfun digital temperature sensor tmp102 qwiic sparkfun digital temperature sensor tmp102 qwiic sen16304 qwiic enabled breakout board for tmp102 digital temperature sensor the datasheet can be found here. The tmp102 is a twowire, serial output temperature sensor available in a tiny sot563 package. Lowpower design techniques for temperature sensing applications. The digital temperature sensor tmp102 is an easytouse digital temperature sensor from texas instruments.
Sparkfun digital temperature sensor tmp102 qwiic we all like to know the temperature, right. Operationmeasuring temperature the core functionality of the ds18b20 is its directtodigital temperature sensor. Its output is used for temperature compensation of the pressure and humidity sensors and can also be used for estimation of the ambient temperature. Characteristics of interests types of temperature sensors 1. Tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and. Tmp102 pdf, tmp102 description, tmp102 datasheets, tmp102. Am2302 should be mounted at the place as far as possible from parts that may cause change to temperature. Texas instruments tmp102 lowpower, twowire, serial output temperature sensor with an i2csmbus digital interface is ideal for ntcptc thermistor replacement where high accuracy.
The device is guaranteed to have an accuracy of 3c max from 40c to 125c without any calibration. An important notice at the end of this data sheet addresses availability. The tmp102 device is a digital temperature sensor with a typical accuracy of 0. While some temperature sensors use an analog voltage to represent the temperature, the tmp102 uses the i2c bus of the arduino to. This is a very handy sensor that requires a very lowcurrent. The add0 pin of the tmp102 sensor is grounded which corresponds to a 7bit address of 100 0x48 in hexadecimal according to the tmp102 datasheet. On powerup reading data from the device returns the value stored in register 0 temperature register read only. As an alternative, the ds18b20 may also be powered by an external supply on vdd. Tmp102 q1 old version datasheet tmp102 q1 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563.
Lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in sot563, tmp102aidrlr pdf download texas instruments, tmp102aidrlr datasheet pdf, pinouts, data sheet, equivalent, schematic, cross reference, obsolete, circuits. The lower thermal resistance of metal causes the leads to provide the primary. Linear silicon temperature sensor sensor calibration signal conditioning circuit enjoy the fun in the lab. Electronic component search and free download site. Repository contents documentation datasheet for the tmp102. Ti1 lowpower digital temperature sensor,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic. Description tmp102 lowpower digital temperature sensor with smbus and twowire serial interface in. Click ds18b20 prorammale resoltion 1wire diital thermometer. Tmp102 datasheet, tmp102 datasheets, tmp102 pdf, tmp102 circuit. Based off of the original digital temperature sensor breakout tmp102. As a valued partner and proud supporter of metacpan, stickeryou is happy to offer a 10% discount on all custom stickers, business labels, roll labels, vinyl lettering or custom.
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